Some Like it Cold

some like it coldbluelawsThink About It.  Some Like it Cold.  Is that the source of “blue laws”?  In the US and much of the western world Sunday is often labeled by the devout as a day of worship or rest.  No shopping.  At least not for alcoholic beverages or cars.  Cars?  Add appliances, clothing, furniture and home supplies to the ban in parts of New Jersey.  Islamic countries choose Fridays, while Israel prefers Saturday for shopping abstinence. I’m thinking Seventh Day Adventists don’t carry much clout, or are kind enough not to involve themselves in the lives of others. Labor unions in the Federal Republic of Germany, uniting to get some extra days off, convinced the ruling body to enact the freedom-giving Ladenschlussgesetz. That’s LadSchlG for short.  Glad I could help.

Being born in the USA, some of us thought the First Amendment to the Constitution was meant to prevent legislation promoting religion’s prohibitions.  Our Supreme Court has consistently? invoked the “wall of separation between church and state”.  However, somehow SCOTUS in its solemn and scholarly wisdom has accepted the argument that the “never on Sunday” rules are secular.

Now we face the more serious problem of having cold beer quickly when needed. Back home again in Indiana, lawmakers and judges are making national news parsing sentences and splitting hairs over where and when you may purchase a chilled hops beverage in a timely manner. Sunday sales at artisan distilleries. News Flash. A new Allows the holder of an artisan distiller’s permit to sell liquor for carryout on Sunday. Not at groceries or so called convenience stores where you may, however purchase refrigerated wine with higher alcohol content. Only at liquor stores.  Of course by law they’re closed on Sunday.

Since we can’t toss down a brisk brewski, we may as well stay sober and go buy a car.  But not if you’re Hoosiers, carless citizens in Illinois or at least parts of a dozen other states including Colorado where you can legally acquire marijuana but can’t smoke and drive a newly purchased ride.

On the brighter side of the news, wise lawmakers in Pennsylvania have followed New Jersey, New York, Ohio and Maryland in permitting motorcycle dealers to be open, with some even allowed to sell “hogs” on the Sabbath.

Lest you think the Supremes have no thought on the subject, think again.  The challengers of the Illinois 1982 ban went all the way.  They lost.  A Chicago Tribune editorial included: “In refusing to scrap an Illinois law barring auto sales on Sunday, the U.S. Supreme Court simply said that a state can pass any nitwit law it likes, as long as it doesn’t conflict with federal standards.”

A column in our local paper included one wag’s comment, “If you’re dumb enough to not prepare for the weekend you probably shouldn’t be drinking”. I still say There Oughta Be a Law against laws like that because Some Like It Cold.  Think About It.


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