Happy 88th Birthday to Me

Happy 88th Birthday to Me

For me, 88 is significant, so I’m taking the liberty of saluting me today. Since I love music and have never played an instrument, my gift to me was a Yamaha digital with 88 keys. Since I was recently asked to write a brief bio for a public presentation I’m expected to make soon, I jotted a few thoughts. They tell probably all you could ever really want to know about me. Perhaps much, much, more.

Walter Weaver is alliterate by definition. As a practical matter he deferred education until after military service during the Korean Conflict from which he was not deferred. The FBI investigation of his background led former friends to believe he had somehow sullied his reputation (and perhaps theirs), but led the government to believe he should be a cryptographer with the nascent NATO In France. With his Top-Secret Clearance, he took military families to fun places like the Louvre, Casino de Paris, the bateaux mouches and Luxembourg when not providing snacks for the troops at the Service Club in Fontainebleau.

For the next 50 years or so, Walter mixed entertainment with business. Radio, television, film, real estate marketing, syndication and partying were primary.

Back home again in Indiana, family beckoned; and a new life began. After a few more years of radio and real estate, Walter gave up gainful employment with a memory that his favorite job was as a professional pinball machine player. A curious man, Walter wonders what the future holds.

Thank you for indulging this reportedly spry seasoned citizen on this special occasion. And thank you for joining me in a Happy 88th Birthday to Me.

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