New PASTA group to meet in evenings


WABASH COUNTY, Ind. – Starting Tuesday, March 27, an evening PASTA support group will begin meeting from 6 to 7:30 p.m. on the second and fourth Tuesdays at the YMCA.  This is in addition to the morning group which continues to meet 10 a.m. to noon on the second and fourth Wednesdays.  

The free support groups are offered to grandparents and older adults who are the primary caregivers of their grandchildren. The group session includes supportive group time as well as education regarding community resources helpful to grandparents raising their grandchildren.

Both groups are held at the YMCA’s community room. Childcare is available at the Y’s Child Watch area.  Attendees planning to use childcare can pre-register by calling the Wabash Friends Counseling Center at 563-8452.  

Madeline Spring, a licensed counselor of Wabash Friends Counseling Center, is the facilitator and educator for both PASTA support groups.

I’m am excited to facilitate an evening PASTA in addition to our morning group.   Many grandparents who are raising their grandchildren are working daytime jobs, so offering an evening time will give these grandparents the opportunity to receive support and meet others in their same situation,” Spring said.

PASTA is a partnership of several agencies. Mental Health America of Northeast Indiana administers PASTA with grant monies received by Area Five on Aging. The YMCA of Wabash County provides the meeting room and childcare.

Nationwide, it is estimated that at least 2.7 million grandparents are raising their grandchildren.

For more information regarding the free support group, contact Madeline Spring at Wabash Friends Counseling Center at 563-8452.

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