ISP Halloween Safety Tips

The Indiana State Police Department has given a list of safety tips when taking part in Halloween. When Trick or Treating, consider using reflective tape on the costume or trick-or-treat bag for greater visibility. A parent or guardian should accompany children while they make their way around the neighborhood to collect candy. Have children carry flashlights or glow sticks to keep them easily visible to other trick-or-treaters and drivers. Stay in a group and make sure to communicate where to go. Agree on a specific meeting time and destination for older children that may be trick-or-treating alone. When trick-or-treating, if there is no sidewalk available, walk towards the far edge of the street. Never cut through alleys or across yards. Make sure to use crosswalks and look both ways when crossing the street. Be on alert when driving through residential neighborhoods during trick-or-treating hours. Children are more than twice as likely to be killed by a car while walking on Halloween night as at any other time of the year. When handing out treats on Halloween, make sure to not give out homemade or unwrapped treats to children. Make sure to check all candy before being eaten. Only eat candy that is in its original wrapper and unopened. For more information on safety tips for all seasons, visit

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