Wabash County United Fund Receiving Grant to Support Early Childhood Education

Wabash County United Fund has received a grant to support early childhood education in our
county. A United Fund program targeting Title I schools started last year to provide books to
pre-K and Kindergarten students. This is an effort to create or add to home libraries for young
learners and is continuing in 2021.
In early February, The Lisa Libraries of Kingston, New York, sent the United Fund 549 children’s
books worth $5,604.00. This collection included a myriad of titles, both fiction and nonfiction,
including The Magic of Touch—Healing Effects of Animal Touch & Animal Presence by V. & A.
Reinhardt, Mary Poppins ABC by P. L. Travers, Pablo Puppy’s Search for the Perfect Person by S.
Hamanaka, Beatrice’s Goat by P. McBrier, The Duchess and Guy by N. Furstinger, Little Ruffle
and the World Beyond by J. Jackson, The Friendship Fairy by A. Provins, and There Was an Old
Lady Who Swallowed a Turkey by L. Colandro to name only a few.
The books were divided and delivered to pre-K classes at Area Five Head Start in Wabash, Area
Five Head Start in Laketon, Manchester Early Learning Center, Manchester Elementary School,
Metro-North Elementary School, and L. H. Carpenter Early Learning Center.
Kindergarten classes that received books included O.J. Neighbours Elementary School,
Southwood Elementary School, Metro-North Elementary School, and Manchester Elementary
School. In total, 534 books were distributed throughout the county Title I schools and early
learning centers. The few remaining books were donated to B.A.B.E. of Wabash County.
Wabash County United Fund is grateful that The Lisa Libraries chose to partner with us in this
important effort.

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