Good Deeds Grant Recipients named in Spring Grant Cycle

The Community Foundation of Wabash County distributed $98,900 in its 2022 spring grant cycle to support nineteen nonprofits working to meet urgent needs of Wabash County citizens and create quality of place programs and projects. Grants were awarded to the following nonprofit organizations: 
 Education for Conflict Resolution was awarded a grant to strengthen their long-term sustainability by developing and updating ECR programming and services related to their mission of mediation and consultation.
Somerset Relocation and Development Corporation will use this grant to upgrade their Community Building, making it a focal point of activities and to provide a quality experience to future renters of the facility.
Lagro Canal Foundation received a grant to revitalize and build a vital community for residents and welcome out of town guests through engaging marketing and communication.Wabash County Museum received funding to purchase iSandBOX, an innovative system that couples sandplay with augmented reality, turning the sand surface into a colorful interactive 3D area that responds to every movement of the user.Manchester Symphony Orchestra will use this grant to establish a small ensemble that will perform five times a year throughout the county. Venues will include First Fridays in Wabash, Second Fridays in North Manchester, and a “Sundaes” in the Park performance.Honeywell Foundation received a grant to provide a Summer Arts camp that offers a unique, educational, and fun filled summer experience for K-12 students to take their artistic skills in theatre and visual arts to the next level.Rotary Club of North Manchester will improve the aesthetic appeal of the gazebo between the North Manchester Public Library and the Thomas Marshall house. A redesign of the planted beds will prioritize attractiveness to pollinators, sustainability, visual interest across more seasons, and connection to outdoor education and other programs of NMPL.North Manchester Historical Society was awarded a grant to support the Museum Summer Camp program that will compare 21st century life with life 100+ years ago, and to create a permanent space for children to enjoy reproductions of vintage toys and games.Heartland Career Center will purchase equipment necessary for the implementation of the NEXT Level Programs of Study curriculum, providing students the opportunity to earn more post-secondary credentials and make progress towards post-secondary degrees while in high school.Family Service Society will use this grant to provide accessible intervention services to victims of domestic violence, sexual violence and stalking, reduce financial barriers for victims of domestic violence that will lead to increased self-sufficiency for the victim and their family.Kate’s Kart will purchase brand new interactive books to distribute to pediatric patients and siblings at Parkview Wabash Hospital, providing a diversion and comfort during a scary hospital visit, and to promote literacy and reading.Hoosier Shakes is returning to Charley Creek Gardens in June 2022 to perform Shakespeare’s Macbeth and Merry Wives of Windsor. Two performances of the same production will take place at the Firehouse in North Manchester.Wabash County YMCA is expanding its hunger relief efforts in Wabash County by purchasing a van to deliver meals to an underserved part of Wabash during summer months and efficiently deliver meals during the school year.Roann Paw Paw Township Public Library will increase internet connectivity by providing portable hot-spot devices to support children on e-learning days and those who must work from home.Hoosiers Feeding the Hungry will work with local facilities to process donated meat from farmers and hunters, ensuring that Wabash County residents in need have access to nutritious protein. Manchester Alive will use this grant to purchase the necessary equipment to safely and successfully facilitate activities and dining experiences for business and community as part of the 2nd Fridays on Main program.The Woman’s Club House Association of Wabash will spark an interest in reading by presenting a Clifford stuffed animal and book to each Wabash and North Manchester Head Start child.Advantage Housing will develop a Warehouse program that will gather and store donated items; building materials, furniture, household supplies, tools; that are then distributed to projects such as Lighthouse Mission, BABE of Wabash County, and FISH.Babe of Wabash County will enroll in a four-month consulting program through the Indiana Youth Institute to focus on organizational planning, leadership development, and financial sustainability that will lead to a clear vision in order to impact the future of our communities. 
 The Good Deeds grant program was established in 1993 to ensure that unrestricted grant money would be available to the Wabash community to give priority to nonprofits and initiatives that address advancing educational attainment and alleviating urgent need. To date, more than $4.5 million has been distributed from the Good Deeds Endowment.
Grant applications are due twice each year – February 15 and September 15. Guidelines and applications for the upcoming fall 2022 grant cycle are available online at Contributions to the Good Deeds Endowment, which help us to address the ever-changing needs of Wabash County, can be made online by clicking here or mailed to the Community Foundation of Wabash County offices at 220 East Main Street, North Manchester.

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