Will the Hoosier State Legalize Medical Marijuana in 2017?


There’s been a sudden flurry of legislation in Indiana to reform the state’s marijuana laws. State Senator Karen Tallian has introduced a marijuana bill for the seventh straight year. This one would create an an agency to work out details of allowing medicinal marijuana use. Senate Bill 255 would allow patients with a variety of health conditions, including migraines and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, to use cannabis with the go-ahead from their doctor. It would also give access to patients suffering from “any persistent or chronic illness or condition.” Tallian says it’s one of several proposals to tweak the state laws.

Marijuana bills may not get a lot of support from newly-elected Governor Eric Holcomb. During a debate last fall, he said expanding or legalizing drugs of this nature isn’t on his priority list. This month, the Indiana American Legion approved a resolution asking the Legislature to remove restrictions from marijuana for medical use.

Tallian says she would like to see marijuana legalized completely, but hasn’t been able to get much support from fellow lawmakers for that.

Tallian describes the state’s pot-related penalties as “some of the most draconian” in the country.

She adds Indiana is way behind other states in terms of modernizing its marijuana laws.

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