Homeowner application process to open for Wabash County Habitat for Humanity

WABASH COUNTY, IN- Wabash County Habitat for Humanity will open its Homeowner Application process on September 1 and it will run through October 31.  

A partner homeowner is selected based on three criteria: Need, Willingness to Partner, and Ability to Pay. Need is based on calculations of a family’s rent expense to total income and current living conditions (whether they are unsafe or overcrowded). Ability to pay is based on the partner family’s job history and demonstrated ability to manage one’s financial resources. Willingness to Partner is also known as sweat equity. Sweat equity refers to the actual hands-on involvement of partner homeowners in the construction of their own Habitat homes, as well as participation in other Habitat and community activities. Sweat equity is a Partner Homeowner’s physical and emotional investment in the mission of Habitat.

If you are interested in learning more about Habitat for Humanity in Wabash County, contact Becky Arnett at (260)563-9188 or email at becky@wabashhabitat.org.  You can also get information on our website, wabashhabitat.org.

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