Pass the Pork

pass-the-porkThink About It.  Pass the Pork.  How do things get done in Washington?  Laws get passed through co-operation and compromise?  Some say we need more of it.  Once in a great while there is an issue that must be addressed and can only be resolved by “an act of Congress”.  The original plan was to get together often enough to protect our young nation from falling back into the hands of a monarchy we felt was unfairly inhibiting our lives and livelihood. Also it seemed necessary to come up with ways (laws) to keep these adventurous humans (That’s us.) from overdoing our  already exhibited aggressive tendencies.

You may have  already noticed that my desire would be for fewer laws. But since my wishes aren’t likely to be granted soon, we might as well face the facts.  Voters seem to think that the legislators from their state or district are just fine.  At least they have historically reelected them term after term.  It’s the other guys who are the miscreants.

Here’s how it works.  We keep rehiring our officials because they  get federal government money for our roads,  bridges, research grants and more.  They make sure we keep military bases nearby, munitions plants humming and planes and ships built whether outdated, unwanted, needed or not.  The theory is that it produces jobs and lifts the economy of our state.  Of course if we hadn’t sent the money to Washington in the first place, we wouldn’t have to beg or compromise our convictions to get it back for sometimes the wrong reasons.

But how does it happen?  Please pass the pork.  Whether the legislator is a WASP,  practicing Catholic or the most orthodox Jew or Muslim, he is willing to reach into the pork barrel.  This is where agreements are rendered and palms are greased.  You help me get mine.  I’ll help you get yours.  New labor law, new minimum wage, bridge to nowhere, better retirement, health care for all (but better for Congress members and staffs).  The result.  We reward our giver of good things while reviling the culprits as a group.   While we disapprove the conduct of Congress, we don’t seem to recognize that the great nationwide electorate lets it happen by our action and inaction.  If you want change in Washington,  you can’t keep saying  Pass the Pork.  Think About It.

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