Indiana House Bill to Protect Pets Left in Cars


INDIANA – On July 1, 2017 a new Indiana Law protects people who fear for the safety of pets left in hot cars.  Indiana House Bill 1085 states that if a citizen reasonably believes that a domestic animal is left in a vehicle and is in imminent danger of suffering serious bodily harm a person must: 1) determine if the vehicle is locked, 2) call 911 or contact law enforcement, 3) use no more force than reasonably necessary to enter the vehicle, 4) remain with the animal until a first responder arrives on scene.  The new section of this law states that a person who forces entry into the vehicle is responsible for 50 percent of the cost of the damage

The Wabash City Police urge pet owners to be responsible pet owners.  If it is hot outside and you’re going to the store leave your pet at home.

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